Hi Everyone! The chart above is an INTERACTIVE chart. Meaning, you can zoom in, zoom out, drag it around, etc... as you wish. I'll post the chart again below in a format intended for proper viewing as intended.
There will be "multiple" black swan events resulting in the events of Phase C, D and E depicted in this chart taking place. Anticipate new COVID lockdowns world wide beginning the end of Q-3 or some time in Q-4 of 2023. Mainly for the purpose of attempting to steal another U.S. presidential election. There will also be multiple events world wide during 2024; resulting in a Sign of Weakness in Phase D. There will be a period of sideways price action before falling down once again with a SIgn of Weakness event in Phase E. It's also likely we see multiple Sign of Weakness events in Phase E before we find bottom in 2025.
I do not know "when" these black swan events will take place. All I know is major social, political, geopolitical, financial and economic events will take place to execute this Distribution Schematic all the way to our Sign of Weakness events in Phase E.
The globalist in the WEF, UN, NATO, US, IMF, BIS, etc... know their FIAT monetary scam is coming to its end. They are desperately attempting to avoid more people waking up to their plans to control all of us. What better way to control us than to diminish our food supply, bankrupt all of us with a collapse supposedly caused by events THEY CREATED.
What's the "main" purpose of creating these events and why so desperate to carry them out as soon as possible? Well, the FIAT Central Banking System is approaching its end due to inflation. So, they need multiple distractions (events) to take place in order to have SOMETHING to blame the collapse of their system. They don't want people blaming "them" for this collapse.
Many of you are already awake. Some of you still must walk through the darkness before you finally see the light. We (as human beings) are still DIVIDED by propaganda these globalist propagate. But that's okay... Soon, we (Republican, Democrat, Independent) will be united. AT least most of us. Why? Well, when everyone's ability to put food on the table, pay rent/mortgage, put gas in the car, etc... is affected to the point of putting many into despair, we will finally unite to rid this world of those who seek to control all of us in an effort to gratify themselves.
There are dark dark times ahead. Unfortunately, we must go through these dark times to avoid a major civil war between us all. To avoid needless bloodshed. It had to be done this way to wake many up who have been sleeping and unite us all for a common best good for all humanity.
I look forward to that day most all of us are finally united for the best good of all. Until then, prepare and plan well for what's to come. And most importantly, Stay Awesome!