
Detroit REKT City: Cardano Copers

By coinhoIio
gene simmons bought ADA, but he probably sent it to the deadalus scam wallet

rn the cardano copers are trying to get the deadalus scam wallet removed because its stealing all the coins from the noobs... cardano can't even have the foresight to consider people might search for "cardano wallet" in the app store and they claim to be the future of blockchang? all that marketing and hype and this is the result

this blockchang has been around for like 5 years bro.. what's their excuse for this? no easy mobile wallet, no smart contracts? no pure proof of stake? you're waiting on etheopia while other chains have confirmed integrations with the LINUX FOUNDATION and CANADA BANKS. it will cost those etheopians $0.25 per transaction to even move money.

it's over for this ghost chain.

"It's awful. Saw someone in this sub lost 30,000+ADA, it's so immoral and can potentially ruin someomes financial security"
"So it says the app is verified by play protect. What does that even mean? Is there a possibility for a class action lawsuit against google for continuing to ignore the complaints?"
"I downloaded this today and entered my seed to connect it to my desktop wallet. I havent put any funds into the wallet yet, this is definitely a scam?"
"Is there anyway they can reclaim what was stolen?"
"Hello everyone,

I have recently bought some ADA on Binance and wanted to store it on a Daedalus Wallet.
So I managed to create a new wallet on Daedalus and transfered my ADA on it but unfortunately an hour later there was a transfer of all my ADA to another account.
I don’t how it happened…
I’ve tried to be carefull. I checked my firewall and my computer seem’s to be clean. Stored my secret phrase on a paper…"

BRAH loses 34k ADA

All my cardano is gone I'm absolutely distraught I can't stop screaming this is the biggest fuck up of my life, 34K Ada gone I fell for the scam app on the play store and have ruined my life in the process please if this message gets you don't download the play store app.

I'm at a complete loss right now and I dont know what to do, this is the transaction if it's helpful somehow but I'm utterly devestated and lost
"I lost 13k ada from this fraudulent app.
Would the catalyst fund be a way to get some or all of that ada back?
I'm so angry and can't eat/sleep because of this.
Looking for any help or ideas how to remedy this mess of a situation
All idea are welcome
And yes, ill be more careful from now on"
"A brazilian guy losted 6 thousand in cardano because of this app"
"I had 1270 ADA scammed by the exact same app yesterday. That was all the ADA I have. I'm a dumbass for falling for it but they've botted the reviews to make it look official and the app is pretty spot on. I've bought back in but at £1 and at less than the amount I lost. Feels bad man."
a response from the cardano guy himself? wtf
ADABeyond Technical AnalysiscardanodeadalusrektSCAMwallet
