3.19.20 I am talking about the mining stocks. Pierre Lassonde is the name I could not remember...interviewed on King World News. Useful...just as Kitco is useful, but treat like you would treat your dog who bites...even you. I wish I could recommend a gold/silver advisory service that has a good reputation...but I don't have one that I have followed. I DO think the good services are effective in exposing information that includes Geo-political issues for various mining companies. Two stocks I got from the Lassonde inverview. Two other stocks are from something I read or listened to...and I probably added to my watch list...I kept on the watch list. BUT YOU NEED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If gold and silver break higher, the mining sector will move much higher....many times higher that the physical gold and silver.....BUT THEY ARE VERY RISKY and you don't load the boat with any one stock...you want 4 or 5 stocks or more do diversify the risk.
I am very comfortable with the markets I talk about most. I am not comfortable with mining stocks. IF ANYONE IS COMFORTABLE WITH METALS ADVISORY SERVICES THAT ARE HIGHLY RATED, PLEASE SEND ME ME A PRIVATE NOTE OR POST HERE...I WOULD APPRECIATE THIS AND WILL TAKE A LOOK. IF I LIKE A SERVICE i WILL SUBSCRIBE. I have had many advisory services over the years...never like them...and haven't had any for over 10 years>>>>but the unique Geo-political issues are important for the mining companies....and good advisory services will include this information.