As most of y’all heard AMC is having a shareholder meeting on May 4th to discuss multiple different things, most importantly for us, the 500,000,000 Class A Common Stock shares. They will have a vote on INCREASING THE LIMIT on the number of shares available by 500,000,000. They are NOT ISSUING shares, and even if they did, that would take months.
Another important reason for this meeting is this is what we all wanted to happen. We wanted them to have a shareholders meeting so they can count all the shares and send invites. So why is this important, well if you are new or have not been paying attention, the hedgies have been creating fake shares and have been using them to drive the price down with short laddering? THIS IS ILLEGAL! If caught with fake shares, they could result in fines, license suspension, criminal charges, and also negative PR from the media. With GameStop and AMC all over the media, being caught doing something illegal could destroy that company’s reputation. So expect the hedgies to try to buy back those fake shares before they start the headcount. From what I read online and other discussions, this will start after closing on March 11 through March 19th. (Which is also the quadruple witching day).
JUST BUY BUY BUY and HOLD my fellow Apes!