The greatest PONZI scheme in history

By MrRenev
Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few. And the crowd cheers...
"Paper is poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." - Thomas Jefferson
"In no country of Europe," a delegate noted, "is paper money legal tender, but only gold and silver coin."

US constitution section 10 article 1:
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
They try to make those that say it is in the constitution that FIAT isn't legally money look like idiots, they call them conspiracy theorists.
Isn't that what this article says? Either way, the ponzi scheme - which the US government accounting agency has called unsustainable for decades (every year they publish a report where they say the same thing) - is about to collapse.

The scam has been made complex enough so very very few will understand it, and the few that do understand it can be dismissed as "weirdos" and "pariahs", which luckily for the banks is already the case since the smartest people in the world, the 1 in a million are by definition alone misunderstood and appear weird to common folks.





I can't explain this perfectly, and the greatest obstacle, the reason why this ponzi scheme has kept running so long is because people are too dumb to understand it, and don't care but they don't care because they don't understand how hard they get scammed.
I posted this several times but it's never super clear.

I found a clean video where it gets explained quite well, and on top of that he manages to resist the urge to get arrogant or insult the public, which is completely impossible for me.

"The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 4" by MIKE MALONEY.

And not just for novices, I recommend this to every one that hasn't watched it yet.

We really have to get rid of our bank overlords.

Here is a list of some countries spending to GDP. France is at the very top of the list of course, they almost make the USA look reasonable.

There is a bigger list on wikipedia.
Capitalist countries steal the most from their population to "redistribute" (redistribute to the public what they stole from the public one way or another).
Socialist countries steal the least from their population to "redistribute".

Biggest scam I have ever seen in history.

Haha France is the biggest spender but the shithole with the largest deficit is... tada! Venezuela!
In 2020 I expect the USA to steal the top spot in both categories from France & Venezuela.

The USA have not just robbed their own people, but also the whole world (because the USD is the reserve currency), so that scam is going to collapse too...
They have taxed the world for decades, and when that falls alot of indirect income is gone. Which will make the depression much tougher for them. And interest rates are already at zero.
It's an absolute catastrophy for this country, they have no way out. It's going to go boom!
bankscurrencyFundamental Analysismonetarypolicyponzireserve
