All signs are pointing to a significant breakdown in the AUD/JPY...
Commodity currencies are under extreme pressure due to a global slowdown and suppressed commodity prices.
In an extremely volatile and high risk market, investors will fly back into the Yen as a safe haven and dump commodity currencies.
We also have upcoming rate cuts coming out of the RBA, as well as a housing bubble that is soon to pop.
The crash in the Shanghai Index as well as slow growth out of China will put further pressure on the Australian Dollar.
We have broken a significant 7 year trend-line on the Quarterly + Monthly Charts indicating upcoming bearish pressure
We are also resting within the 200/250 EMA's on the weekly chart. If we break below these EMA's, I believe the AUD/JPY will start to turn. Be on the lookout for a possible EMA Death Cross in the near future
Looking at the daily, we are starting to put in lower highs and lower lows which may drive the AUD/JPY lower.
This is something I will be keeping an eye on....