Price - 0.73981

Stoploss - Breakeven

Risk/Reward - 1:4

Reason - 4H Resistance Wick
We are pleased to inform you that all client accounts have been successfully migrated to Your new CRM account is now accessible, alongside your previously established trading accounts as detailed in prior communications. Rest assured, all funds have been seamlessly transferred; any balances from your previous account will reflect accurately in your new accounts.

For our esteemed prop firm clients, accounts have transitioned to As a gesture of appreciation, challenge accounts have been upgraded to the next tier at no additional cost.

Recognizing the potential for confusion amidst these changes, we encourage you to reach out for any inquiries or assistance. You can connect with us via our Instagram profile @prosperity4x or through the support tab on the Envifx website.

Moreover, we're diligently working on introducing new and innovative trading platforms to envifx. These forthcoming platforms aim to provide a more professional and user-friendly experience, enhancing your overall trading journey.
Trade active
0.73980 Entered
Trade closed: target reached
nigga nigga nigga nigger
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