BIDU Headwind Short at Memory Resistance

There are multiple Bearish signals on BIDU today (17th May) just before Market Close.

In Weekly CUE Backdrop Chart, Price bouncing down from Weekly Memory and also creating a False Upside Breakout at Watermark High Level. Candle Shape is Bearish with Upper Tail.

In Daily CUE Hop On Chart, the price is bouncing down from Daily Memory. It created False Upside Breakout at Daily Watermark Level. Candle Shape is Bearish. Bearish Headwind (red diamond) has appeared.

The price was at Pendulum Low yesterday! This may be an opportunity to Short BIDU at the top.

Options may be used to increase profit and limit risk.
BIDU fundamentals are not that great relative to its peers. As seen from Visual Fundamental Analysis below.
Trade closed: target reached
Within one day of the original post, today (18th May), BIDU fell sharply and came to Value Area in CUE Daily Hop On chart. This is the profit taking point for Swing Short and profit was booked.
