Looks like the big players wanted to liquidate/stop out players contracts and go long them self.
Our trade is stil valid, since the exchange for BOIL is not open in scandinavia, we will look at the close of today and see how it impacts BOIL. I will post when i have executed the trade.
Remmember patient, its real trading not risk free drawin on charts like many authors do, as a posted above risk free trade drawings is not rel, you are not exposed to other traders and volume, others players will see big volume and trade and will try to squeeze you if you have tight stops.
But we are patient, tides are turning.
There was another trader who commented that he belives gas is only traded for winter....... guys becarefull who you get advice from, many people because they make paintings on tradingview and sell courses, think they are experts, they are not. They sell fantasy and have no experience, and could not get a work at a top firm.
I do this for free to give back, i have alot of spare time after i retired my self. Sucsess comes with time, and you learn from every trade. The loses is the price you pay for your education, if you reflect on what went wrong, also you must never stop learning about trading, traders.