Bitcoin Futures! The Fake Bitcoin! Who's "wallet"??? LOL! WOW

Well, back to Bitcoin and Ethereum as trading pairs for this trader. Gulp, cough cough. These are big freaking whales and waves, I tell ya. WOWie!!! Lots of biting by big sharks (so big, sharkies are called "Whales" LOL!

Oh boy this little dogFISH feels tiny after the last few days of surfing. WOW what a way to end a winning streak! Now I have to wash my swim suit and let dry! LOL That was a big SHIBsters LOL

Hide to Bitcoin and Ethereum, the King and Queen of crypto, You need both! The queen is useless without the king in the current cryptophere, so you need the powerful Queen ETC and hide the King BTC in cold storage OFF NET ASAP to prepare for the tsunami coming... I don't when but these waves both on the market and in crypto are tell tales!

The shitcoin mega waves is the canary in the coalmine. You do not want to be too close to the surf because the tide will go back to sub 60K levels on Bitcoin possibly. Take take ALL the shells you can now, and head to higher ground ASAP. I can't tell you the timing, I'm always wrong there because time is relative and the force controls that. I'll likely be surfing these things but you won't see me at the crest of these things and if I am, let me know! LOL I like to be a TOP DOG, but on HITocean, I'll be top dOG if the Princesses of Whales allow me to be! LOL I won't ask, I'll try to be quiet and listen to the whale quietly LOL The charts says everything but MissChart does not always know. It not her, it's her reporting what they white and black whales are up to. If you are a seasoned whale watcher, you will adjust your tools to fine tune the detection and the timing of the whales, If you are a beach partiipant trying to jump on assive waves, good luck. Watch from a distance at first!

So, avoid shitcoins and HITcoins, buy the real ETH and real BTC and move away unless you are a Pro or have the stamina and devotion to learn. After decades of trading, I'm retooling 100% for crypto as equities over time with the dollar. Tesla and Apple will issue "crporate coins" to allow investors to directly trade their coins with backed coins. Tesla and Apple coins will be a hit, GM, FORD and Chrysler? Well only government will buy those, which means these are tax payer buying the coins via the back door to feel THE biggest Shark: Crookstreet.

So this DOG and, his little jet fighter, and small team will only ride the wave with me KEEPING my mouth SHUT. A wipe out with mouth open is nasty. On nasty waves, you need to abort. If you don't your assets will die as the waves crashes leaving you in pieces with a broken dream to get rick quick. Money is interesting, the easier it comes in, the easier it flows out. I've learned to respect it and not let it lead my actions. I am not longer a slave to money because I can simply reduce what I need. Simplicity is good. Truth is good, Honesty is good. I just want good.

Shitcoins will teach you the respect and danger of money and gambling. If you dare enter this shitcoin ocean, don't follow any pro surfers. You can''t react. You might now the important difference between a market order and limit. When to use them, on what type of waves etc. Waves, and spectators, might lead you to the rocks. Pick your ponies and ditch shit. A shitty horse will never be a winner. Good horses are good from the start and continue to dominate in the space. Look at Tesla and Apple. Kings/Queens of their space. Both are years ahead of competition and the rest of the pack will never catch up. New entrants might but who can catch up with Tesla internationally? The legacy and outdated car companies plan to start when Tesla will be cranking millions of cars per month across a network of distributed mega factories.

For cryptophere, the two winners today, are Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH. Rest coins are toxic. Not trustable. Big whales control them. I have seen it first have and it's impressive! WOW! WOW! WOW! Ouchies LOL The SHIBster bites but he was a good runner so I stilll love the little beast out of respect, not love. I'm not sure if he represent the devil or the heavens. So that little biter is 100% trade only because I have zero trust until it proves it's a friendly white whale and not a deadly dark MEGA shark. The charts will tell me, not the other way around! LOL Don't hope, don't expect, don't think you know the colour or intention of the Princes of Whales. Only THEY know.

For me, it's not about money. It's about surfing these megawhale wages to the best of my ability learning every single day to be humble. Best way to learn to surf when you think you're a good surfer is to jump on board on the North facing side of Hawaii in the winter season. WOW WOW WOW Novices, watch from a distance! LOL If you're a newbie on the beach and say "hey, that looks easy and fun, let me try", well go out to the "surf" but make sure you carry just a small amount of coins in your pockets because , 99% chance, they aren't coming back. And if you carry too much both YOU and your coins will hit got under and sink to the bottom. It's possible but it's as easy as it looks but it will continue to attract the "fear of missing out" FOMO masses to feed the mega sharks, ughhh, black whales.

I've been trading part time since it was legal and I'm becoming a professional surfer. It's work but it's a trill if you nail those waves! I'll surf the cleaner ocean with ETH and BTC and, once I shower and brush my teeth, retune, will head back to HITocean to make more money because it's scary but very lucrative. Nasty when you wipe out in shit with your mouth wide open. Cough, cough Lesson learned, surf shit with your month closed. OMG that's going to be hard. Please gods and Prince of ocean, SAND and beaches, have pitty on this little itty bitty surfer! LOL WOOF WOOF WOW WOW WOW ouchies D0G$ LOL !!! I love your roBOTs LOL Cute little remote control for MEGA hitsters!!!! LMDAO!!! WOOF WOOF LOL WOW!

I have experience and scars. So I'm fine losing money on a bad call but it has to be calculated and that means taking emotions out and trading like a robot, if you can't afford to buy one with diamonds made by crushing SAND! LOL ;-)

If you're trading without automatic stop loses or are 100% dedicated to the screen, you will lose to pros who are setup properly. They have massive robots and they will borrow coins from HODLers, give them high interest rates, and SHORT the HHIT out of crap at the perfectly right time. Don't pretend to be a whale if you are a tiny fish. Quietly watches the whales, you might not be able to tell if they are white or black, but the waves are the same for both. Black whales will show themselves to watchers. Trust me on this.. I've ridden enough mega HHIT waves that some of these Princess of Whales are AMAZINGLY powerful in changing the direction of big waves! LOL WOW WOW WOW!

Now what about Bitcoin Futures? That's another shit ocean but that's by banksters instead of gangsters LOL All a joke of course, I'm a dog with four paws telling DOG stories! LOL WOOF Seriously, do not enter shit oceans without undertstanding " The Big Short" the movie. Watch it 5 times. Movie should be called "Banksters vs banksters: Average people get killed and nobody understand why?" This upcoming event, if The Sequel: Revenge of the "temporary" debasement of the dollar." And I really hope humanity has learned from 2008/2009 and leverages GOOD over EVIL. This flying rock of ours that we're physically attached to in a "temporary" manner isn't the end. It's the test - can we coexist with each other and all living things?

Not with Banksters and Gansters tools of massive financial destruction. We need the banksters to show the gangster that derivative products are not heahtly for the average investor, these are scalping tools. How to you avoid banksters and gangsters, easy, head the other way! Cold storage Bitcoin and Ethereum and practice moving the stuff around because people underestimate the difficulty and get trapped or lose coins on failed transfers. Yeah, it's beta but it's amazing, the residual finishing stuff will happen with the Apples and Tesla of the world being the "retail" (aka average person banksters' speak) would call it, these derivatives and shadows shit is "catshit wrapped in dogshit". So if you want to buy shit with a fake Bitcoin logo on it, go right ahead but it's counterfeit Bitcoin. To HAVE Bitcoin, you need either a paired public and private key (aka cold wallet) and a backup phrase to securely backup your cold wallet. If you trade BTC, you don't own the Bitcoin, your trading platform generally do. DEX (distributes exchanges) could change that but we'll see two cryptopheres that shadow the Internet itself. A normal internet and cryptophere where people do law abiding things and the "dark web" "dark cryptoshere" owned by different groups that one might or might not want to be associated with. Depends on where you think you'll be treated best from a lifestyle and tax perspective. If you are in a Western Country, you can expect to pay taxes so if you think you can move money to a safe crypto exchange with questionable coins and "neighbours" go ahead. I tell everyone, research who your are entrusting your crypto with.

Most regular people who understand fiduciary duties will entrust their cryptos to well known banks or reputable organisations like Apple and Bitcoin. So do I expect to pay for a Cybertruck using ETH2 when the truck is ready to ship, yes. Absolutely, ETH2 and BTC Lightning will be supported by Tesla. Elon has already said it but mainstream and yourtube-click-bait-yours are too dumb to understand the guy's hints. I'm going 100% chart and I just have to retune everything for massive surfs. I will go out again in HITcoin ocean looking for the HHIT and trying to avoid the SHIT. Wipe out in shit and gulf, best keep your mouth SHUT! LOL

Gulp Shit = More to Ethereum and Bitcoin to watch the tsunami from a distance, Its coming! When you feel rich, take half off the table! There will be other waves you can ride, if you have a surfboard left! LOL

Please comment and like if you enough zoo stories ! I to be an animal and DOG (of dOG) because whales & sharkies are the real DOGs but I prefer to be a fluffy bunny that quietly looks for carrot fields protected well away from sharkies and wolves. Contact me here before or via private chat here JustCharts and let's focus on Just Charts! LOL Gulp LOL

PS LONG Bitcoin. Not Futures or unbacked fake ETF. Backed by the real thing in trusted custody with the ability to veriify because we no longer trust. At least, I don't, I educated myself and looked at the latest data available to make my first conclusion that I trust neither banksters or gansters black whales. I will watch them from a far distance on on friendly, quiet beach.

Peace Paw
JustCharts just a little surfing dOG with deep respect for all the MEGA White Whales and Dark Sharks
A little dirty but washing up nicely! LOL WOOF WOW
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