Historical data, analyzed statistically only reveals one thing about the data in relation to the question be sought. The past. We observe or analyze a data set already formed (traditional TA indicators + traditional statistical analyses) to seek out patterns in the PAST data. This is great, but we want to know the FUTURE. So how do we bridge.. historical data to future data using 'now' data. I used historical data, to create parameters that acted as rules to a theoretical 'belief'. ( My modeling is designed from an alternative; to Type A or B uncertainty modeling.) Each Model intricately interacts with one another, and it is hard to tease out the shared variance right now. There is a global pulse and a microstate pulse present in bitcoin.. Some people analyze one or the other to make estimates in predicting an outcome. I know that in neural modeling, you MUST find a global signal and decode (even partially) that signal in order to find a viable microstate signal that is COHERENT to the global model, it helps if you have some prerequisite parameter(s) you are looking for. In this case, i am looking for FUD and FOMO, as well as Market Manipulation, bots, and anomalies. A quick dig through peoples global trend TA's I saw an outlier of interest.. and used it as my primary foundation to make Model A.
"Dempster–Shafer theory is based on two ideas: obtaining degrees of belief for one question from subjective probabilities for a related question, and Dempster's rule for combining such degrees of belief when they are based on independent items of evidence. In essence, the degree of belief in a proposition depends primarily upon the number of answers (to the related questions) containing the proposition, and the subjective probability of each answer. Also contributing are the rules of combination that reflect general assumptions about the data. "Dempster–Shafer theory" which is a generalization of the Bayesian theory of subjective probability. Belief functions base degrees of belief (or confidence, or trust) for one question on the probabilities for a related question. The degrees of belief itself may or may not have the mathematical properties of probabilities; how much they differ depends on how closely the two questions are related. Put another way, it is a way of representing epistemic plausibilities but it can yield answers that contradict those arrived at using probability theory.
In a first step, subjective probabilities (masses) (FUD and FOMO) are assigned to all subsets of the frame; usually, only a restricted number of sets will have non-zero mass (focal elements).:39f. Belief in a hypothesis is constituted by the sum of the masses of all sets enclosed by it. It is the amount of belief that directly supports a given hypothesis or a more specific one, forming a lower bound. Belief (usually denoted Bel) measures the strength of the evidence in favor of a proposition p. It ranges from 0 (indicating no evidence) to 1 (denoting certainty). Plausibility is 1 minus the sum of the masses of all sets whose intersection with the hypothesis is empty. Or, it can be obtained as the sum of the masses of all sets whose intersection with the hypothesis is not empty. It is an upper bound on the possibility that the hypothesis could be true, i.e. it “could possibly be the true state of the system” up to that value, because there is only so much evidence that contradicts that hypothesis. Plausibility (denoted by Pl) is defined to be Pl(p) = 1 − Bel(~p). It also ranges from 0 to 1 and measures the extent to which evidence in favor of ~p leaves room for belief in p.
The idea here being i built my framework on behavioral analysis of statistical outliers defined as FUD or FOMO, market manip, bots, and anomalies in a continuous data set. The evidence to FUD and FOMO is widely documented and talked about. I am just applying it in a statistical prediction model, using my understanding of my 'belief' foundation.