messy geo play

just kitten around...sketching out/playing with this idea again...anxious to enter meatverse for the day and also TV's being discrete w/time (and finite w/zooming out on small TFs) makes precision with esp circles and spirals difficult

root 5 spiral (from vesica piscis) of last bull/correction tops...that I did fit, by sight, to recent tops but am guessing being 100% precise with circles would fix/enable pinpoint precision from points of projection.

idk tho, just having some fun ;-)

stay safe and kind out there

or mayyyyyyyyybe spiral placement was supposed to be at .382 of the square/vesica piscis?? phi ellipse? hmmmmm

added tangent to spiral which called wickis
added some lines and did some coloring :-)

Added .786 line to channel. (channel is interesting because I derived it from two points (plus complementary angle - the angle that when added = 90 degrees)...not three like the channel usually requires. i have a private idea about all this that maybe I will make public.

copied purple spiral and made it green, pasted and fit it visually to may tops...i was trying to challenge my current bias/figure out timing. Drew a vertical line tangent to spiral...calls time boundary of downward move (bitty reversed at this line). did the same thing with purple spiral. Needs much more work and testing tho, could all be coincidence.

dotted lines are horizontally tangent to spirals.

was playing with angled lines/pitch angle. i've always thought 17 degrees should be important, bc that's the pitch angle of the golden spiral, and pitch angle represents the view to the center of a log spiral, from any point on it (log spirals, which the golden spiral is, are equiangular which i'm guessing has to do with fractals - something looking the same from every point on it)

but then i also wonder...if the circle is already sort of pitched to 6 degrees, bc that's the angle of the trendline between the tops i derived it from, do we have to consider that when drawing? will play later.

thank you for foraying into my brain with me lol, help and thoughts always welcome and appreciated. sending out math/physics nerd bat signal PLEASE

added same spiral fit to bottoms

the view from every point on a log spiral is the SAME bc the difference between a line tangent to the circle of same radius and a line tangent to the spiral remains the same. as i understand it that's the pitch angle, and it's how a bird circles its prey, or a moth flies into the light like it's hypnotized


spirals and circles are just trendlines
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsFibonacci SpiralsGannMarket Geometrymichaelsjenkinsvesicapiscis
