Bitcoin to 6.9k or 7.4k before 4.7k

Bitcoin inverse chart tells us that we are still in a bear market until we close near 4.7k--which also means that there might be a flush daily candle with wicks in lower 4k.

based on the information provided, 6.9 and 7.4k are the bull targets for now. Reasons:
- Guppy stretched
- reversal daily candle
- fib ext. 0.78 confluence with fib retrace 0.3 -->6.9k
- fib ext. 0.61 confluence with fib retrace 0.5-->7.4k

Note: this will be invalid if weekly closes under previous low of 5.8k
Note: I'm using what i call the lucky waves-->7 waves. i also use devil waves-->9 waves. only personal tweaks.

Altcoiners as mentioned before, could be going shopping if they haven't. but remind you, this mini bull will only last until September or late November at its latest--and trend(bear market) continues.

Bearish PatternsBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)Bullish PatternsChart PatternsforcastIDEATechnical Indicatorslong-termTrend Analysis

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