
BTC/USD Hourly Scalp

I´m not a big fan of the hourly chart, (I prefer the daily) but for shits and giggles let´s take a look.

Lately Bitcoin has been fuelled by fundamental news. We´ve had the SEC/ETF saga, and now we have the Bitcoin Unlimited/SegWit fork saga.

My personal opinion is that an "imminent" hard fork has been blown out of all proportion and there is not an imminent threat.

In the life of Bitcoin there has always been, and there will always be a potential for a fork to occur, purely by it´s design for "consensus". When this will happen is anyone's guess but I personally don´t see a fork (the hard version) happening anytime soon.
I have 30 day lending (BTC) lending contracts out on Poloniex as I feel confident about this.

Anyway, back to the chart...
People are slowly realising that an imminent hard fork is not going to happen and will boost moral for BTC.
Price to look forward to soon could be $1,050

Play safe.
