When buying an altcoin project as an investment or for speculative purposes, we talk of diversification (previously known as quality within the traditional financial markets-TradFi).
Why diversify?
Why is it good?
The maximum loss you can incur on any purchase ever of any security (stocks, crypto, etc.) is 100% but... The growth potential is literally infinite.
Across the cryptocurrency markets, we have thousands and thousands of Altcoins projects that are available for trading across different exchanges and platforms.
Some of these are bound to fail, most of them...
But quite a few are set to become big and established.
Another portion will grow like there is no tomorrow and bless the buyers with amazing wealth, it can be life changing for many.
We cannot guess or predict which of these projects will be the best and fastest growing ones and so... We diversify.
We diversify to reduce risk, in case the project we choose never takes off.
But as I mentioned in the beginning, with many strong projects with a great future ahead, just buying into one or two of these can erase many loss.
Make sure to diversify...
Once you become experienced you can hold 10-20 pairs or more.
We wait long-term...
The market takes care of the rest.
We buy and we hold.
Study as much as you can while you wait.
Improve your health.
Increase your knowledge.
Be prepared because even though it takes time, you are sure to enjoy the results.
We are in a new and booming market;
No matter what happens today...
Tomorrow, next week, next month;
There will always be more.