More reasons to see BIG ATH late 2025 - BItcoin

By Orriginal

As it says in the chart, These Trend lines are not formed by random placement but by the intersections of a line and the January Candles on this Bitcoin Monthly Chart going back to January 2013.
It takes a minimum of 3 points to make a valid trendline..and this has been done here.
The Lower trend line has a number of points and we can also see h ow in 2015, PA fell below.
The upper Trend line has only 3 but it is interesting to see how every tim,e PA rose over this line. it went to ATH. It also rose over this line, nearer to a January candle than away from from it.
The Upper sets of Day count are ATH to ATH and the 3rd is an estimation using the previous 2 day count.
I have used the 2nd ATH in Nov 2021 as the ATH as that is what it was, despite many saying it was a False push, the day count between ATHs near match. This does put the projected Next ATH arounf September 2025. ( many charts show a new formed ATH in Early 2025 and there isno reason why PA could not reach higher after, as it did in 2021 )
So, that fline But I thought I needed to see if there was anything supporting this move.
The Lower numbers are the day count from when PA broke over this Trend line to the time it next did that.
And they are 1430 days apart and then 1219 days apart. Near enough for me to see a pattern but we need 3 and that will not happen till 2025 BUT as an estiame, I added these 2 numbers and then fivided by 2 and Look.....It will come over that trend line near Jan, arounf Nov / Dec 2024, The same as previously, Nearer to Jan than away from it.
This is starting to look like a possibility to me.
Oh..That ATH....Around 300K
We Wait and I will see if there are anymore pointers to add to the growing list of ATH in Late 2025
But nothing is guaranteed. Remember that
btcathbtcusdanalysisBTCUSDTChart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis
