
Holy Grail Trading System

By RocketBomb
Hello, my lovely friends!!!💓


🔥Today I have something spesial for you today! 🔥 That's Holy Grail Trading System !!!

By “Grail” in trading we mean a unique trading system, that can continuously generate profits.

According to the legend of the Holy Grail, those who drink from this cup receive immortality.

The idea of ​​this scheme is simple. Only by applying of those three conditions You'll become possible to significantly increase capital💰

🧐Let's go briefly through all elements.

The first element, trend trading, I think, doesn't need unnecessary comments. Trending strategies for a trader are the best way to make money.

But why is this element alone not enough? Even if a trader has an ideal trend trading system, in the absence of a trend, he will lose money.

The trader should be where there is volatility, because volatility = profit.

The ship in full calm stands still, no matter what sails he had. There is an element of luck.

Yes, there is place for external circumstances on the market - there is nothing to be done with it. Not everything is controlled by the trader. It's especially important for risk-averse traders to learn not to get into the market during periods of low volatility .

At the last stage, trader need to find balance between the desire to squeeze as much as possible out of the market and the ability to calmly, without nerves, sit out corrections.

When the market turns against the position, the trader still doesn't know whether that's a correction or a trend reversal. While sits in position and makes a decision, this movement eats up part of the floating profit or creates a loss. If the trend doesn't resume, a late trader has to close a losing position.

The risk should be approximately, that trader can make such a mistake a sufficient number of times and still be afloat💪🏻

Guys, I try very hard for you💓, I carefully select the material, I want to express my thoughts as clearly as possible! 💋I like to teach, I get special pleasure of it !!!

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Always Yours Rocket Bomb🚀💣
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