Planning the 'big long' and 'big short'

They say don't trade against the trend, and the trend is your friend. But if you ask me, bitcoin has lost its trend. There is no clear direction anymore.

From my experience this means there might be large wicks coming to a consolidation in the 35000-38000 range before a big trade can be made. It is normal to be stopped out of your trades if you actually want to trade the break-out. That's why I'm skipping the first, and the second time one of these entries hit and will wait for a third time before putting in my money.

I have to add a disclaimer to this, they say noobs trade breakouts and pro's trade reverse to mean.

So the pro advice will be to start preparing a trading range from 35000-38000 where plenty of money can be earned with appropriate leverage.

planningstrategyTrend Analysis
