Compliance, lawsuits and full disclosure for every trader means the governments had big plans in the work for the crypto industry. The markets grew so big and so fast and they got left behind digging for scraps. Major investors had their own plans and they wanted no part in the conspiracy. Why you think so many who made massive profits in this industry are being targeted publicly. Defamation is power to hold the keys to power. So a massive plan to target under regulatory authority happened and continues to happen. No government or political power can control independent thoughts nor beliefs. Any said person, organization, government etc.. is dominating control under a slave enforcement dictatorship. Who chooses the life you live and how you spend your hard earned money. Who chooses the life style you live and how you dress, wear your hair etc...
Laws were created to protect the individual not to corrupt and dominate the citizens under those said laws. Don't be blind and compliant if you know such actions affect your life and others around you. Cost of living is not inflation it is manipulation to control you and how you spend your money. The victims from corruption is wide spread and programmatic generationally. Be smarter than the corruptors living in a 1950's way of thinking. You suppose to learn from mistakes of the past and be better, smarter.
Who prints money out of thin air and makes laws to justify legal counterfeiting? usa
Who has the most gold? usa
Who has the most debt? usa
Who puts interests before its citizens? usa
Who targets everything for tax revenue? usa
Who is power hungry to dominate and keep said power? usa
Scary thoughts and questions my friends. Don't be a victim in this political war.
Who holds the power to make change? We do the independent traders hold the power in volume by a longshot and it scares those corrupting global markets with political games.
Thoughts for the day.
Gold was abused and leveraged to death for countless years.
Don't abuse this next generation for personal gain with compliant thinking when you know its wrong for everyone.
Where could the market go if the global economy started trading in crypto? The numbers are astronomical and impressive. It took many years for GOLD to reach the value it is today and prices soared after usa stopped backing the us dollar with gold.
Sharing thoughts for the day. I am not predicting anything just opening eyes to possibilities of what if...