Bollinger bands squeeze on the monthly chart

This idea is based on the green doji last month. If this month will also close green (Has to close over ~$10,350) then we can consider BTC consolidating for a bullish move later this year. So i will be keeping an eye on this and updating as we go along. The important thing is that BTC does NOT push lower than $8,600. It has already pushed it lower than i would have liked, so this is the absolute bottom. I will keep an eye on it and update this as we go along. Who knows, maybe later today the idea is already invalidated becase 8k broke. But lets see!
Just want to quickly update this idea. Im seing a head and shoulders and bearflag which could indicate the monthly will push lower still. Have a nice day.
Head & Shoulders, Bearflag, RIP
A new sin
bandsbbandsBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)Bollinger Bands (BB)BTCBTCUSDTechnical Indicatorsjohn
