
Market Cap: Controlled Supply vs. Gigasupply Coins

By RealMcafee
Left chart shows market cap of top 10 coins calculated using data from from 28 July 2018
Percentages are share of the top 10 rankings.

Right chart is market cap of same coins calculated as if they all had the same circulating supply as Bitcoin (approx 17.1 million)

This makes it clear why it is absolutely pointless to compare the market cap of gigasupply coins like XRP, EOS, XLM, ADA, IOT, TRX and ETH with controlled supply coins like BTC, BCH and LTC. In fact even Litecoin is a large supply coin with its 57 million coins, but ffs Cardano has 28 BILLION coins and Stellar has 19 BILLION !!!!
It doesn't even make sense to talk about market capitalization for these coins. At the end of the day, if these large supply coins are really cryptocurrencies, we should question why such massive amounts have been produced and of course who really holds them!

<< mean 'much less than'
Real market capitalization is the measure of the size of a company NOT its value. Likewise crypto market cap is also a measure of size but I interpret it two fold:

1) If the projects being compared are of the same order of magnitude, e.g. circulating supply is similar, then we can say it is a measure of their network effect, e.g. the network value

2) As soon as we place controlled supply coins like BTC, BCH, XMR, DASH alongside extreme supply coins like EOS, XLM, ETH, ADA, TRX then it is simply a measure of the number of coins
