
2 possible Bitcoin forecasts based on Dot-com Bubble

I'm a firm believer that history repeats itself, especially in finance. And IF (That is a huge IF) Bitcoin continues to play out like the Dot-com bubble ~1998-2002, then here are a couple forecasts that are based on percentage based moves of the Nasdaq from 2 possible anchor points of where Bitcoin might be relative to Nasdaq at the time. It is hard to tell, but we're likely at one of these 2 anchor points. Which one do you think we're at?

I drew out a handful of vertical guide-lines to align in scale Bitcoin and Nasdaq prices based on key similarities such as notable dips and peaks. Continued beyond with vertical guide-lines for notable Nasdaq moves. Then, measured the percentage change of these moves and applied them as horizontal guide-lines on the Bitcoin chart. Then it was a matter of connecting the dots.

If this is accurate, then we could see the bottom sometime between the April to May time frame, depending on which anchor point was right.

***This information is not financial advice and is not a recommendation to buy or sell. It is to be used for educational purposes only.***
Multiple Time Frame AnalysisSeasonality
