Bitcoin - 2018 vs 2022

  • I know that bullish analysis on Bitcoin is extremely unpopular at this moment. I can feel it in the comment section of my several previous Bitcoin analysis.
  • The most popular ideas on TradingView are extremely bearish, and the sentiment is very negative and fearful.
  • Pretty much everyone is expecting 13k. In this case, I am not saying the crowd is wrong, because during a fifth impulse wave, the crowd might often be right.
  • The situation is, of course, very different this time compared to 2018, but I have seen a lot of these comparison analyses on Bitcoin, so let's do it.
  • The triangle in 2022 is really weird. It's probably not even a triangle. It looks like an inverse head and shoulders with a steep neckline or a double bottom reversal pattern.
  • Triangles usually appear just before the end of the trend or at the end of the trend. These patterns are, of course, very tricky.
  • There is a possibility of a last scam wick to the downside to 17,600-17,900 before the price explodes to the upside! But I hope the bulls will defend 17611 USDT because it's very important from the Elliott Wave perspective.
  • I hope the bulls will prevent Bitcoin from falling because I don't want a 5-year bear market, I think no one wants it in the crypto community.
  • For more analysis, hit "Like" and "Follow"!
October and November are extremely bullish months!
Bitcoin seasonality - Which month is the most profitable?
Bearish PennantBearish Trend LineBeyond Technical AnalysisBTCUSDBTCUSDTDescending ChannelDescending TriangleFLATFundamental AnalysisInverse Head and ShouldersSupport and ResistanceSymmetrical Triangle
