

By ResearchWings
For financial year ending on 31 Mar 2015, CAPITAL FIRST LTD has reported
1 Sales Growth : 32.08%
2 Profit Increased : 202.92%
3 Margin Improved : 4.43%
4 Borrowings Reduced : -2.44%
5 Share Price Increased : 135.59%

For financial year ending on 31 Mar 2016, CAPITAL FIRST LTD has reported
1 Sales Growth : 29.59%
2 Profit Increased : 40.07%
3 Margin Improved : 0.64%
4 Borrowings Increased : 41.08%
5 Share Price Increased : 1.35%

For financial year ending on 31 Mar 2017, CAPITAL FIRST LTD has reported
1 Sales Growth : 47.55%
2 Profit Increased : 38.21%
3 Margin Declined : -0.54%
4 Borrowings Increased : 16.96%
5 Share Price Increased : 76.48%

For financial year ending on Mar-18 E, CAPITAL FIRST LTD is expected to report
1 Sales Growth : 30.37%
2 Profit Increased : 90.97%
3 Margin Improved : 3.70%
4 Borrowings Increased : 31.58%
5 Share Price Increased : 54.57%
6 Estimated Share Price : INR 1192.05

For financial year ending on Mar-19 E, CAPITAL FIRST LTD is expected to report
1 Sales Growth : 26.57%
2 Profit Increased : 18.60%
3 Margin Declined : -0.73%
4 Borrowings Increased : 27.27%
5 Share Price Increased : 18.60%
6 Estimated Share Price : INR 1413.7

Below are some of the Financial Ratios for CAPITAL FIRST LTD for financial year ending on 31 Mar 2017:
Net Income/Sales is 0.08
Net Income/Pre Tax Income is 0.65
Pre Tax Income/EBIT is 0.23
EBIT/Sales is 0.54
Sales/Assets is 0.16
Assets/Equity is 7.61

Return on Equity is 10%
Return on Assets is 01%
Retention Based Growth Rate is 10%

Market Capitalisation is INR 7513 crores
Add: Debt is INR 13552 crores
Less: Non Current Investments is INR 320 crores
Enterprise Value is INR 20745 crores

Net Profit is INR 217 crores
Add: Interest is INR 1128 crores
Less : Tax Savings on Interest is INR 392 crores
Less : Other Income is INR 0 crores
Firm Profits is INR 953 crores

Sales is INR 2726 crores
Add: Other Income is INR 0 crores
Total Income is INR 2727 crores

Firm Margin is 35%

Enterprise Value to Total Income is 7.61 (below 2 is better)

Enterprise Value to Total Income to Firm Margin is 21.78 (below 15 is investments friendly)

Price to Earning is 34.65 (below 18 is investments friendly)
Price to Book Value is 3.36 (below 2 is investments friendly)
Debt to Equity is 6.06 (below 2 is investments friendly)
Free Cash Flow to Firm is INR -1472 crores
Free Cash Flow to Equity is INR -2600 crores
Price to Earning Growth is 0.91
Trend Analysis
