50% Fibonacci saved several times the bulls, but the bears will not give up.
Breakout of the 50% Fibonacci and new lows around $21.50

Dropbox, Inc is a collaboration platform that’s transforming the way people and teams work together. It offers the following products: Dropbox Basic, Plus, Professional, and Business. The Dropbox Basic is the simple, powerful home for photos, videos, docs, and other files.

Risk Disclosure: Trading Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Contracts of Difference (CFD's) carries a high level of risk. By registering and signing up, any client affirms their understanding of their own personal accountability for all transactions performed within their account and recognizes the risks associated with trading on such markets and on such sites. Furthermore, one understands that the company carries zero influence over transactions, markets, and trading signals, therefore, cannot be held liable nor guarantee any profits or losses.
Chart PatternsdropboxshortTrend Analysis
