DAX: Here we go. :)))))))))))))))))

Next targets 10796 =(10839), 11367 =(11514). If you play the 3point extension go for the first levels, if you play the grand =(great!! ;) retracing game from 2014 - 2015, go for the targets in brackets. Wish U luck and h4ve fun!
Trade active
Last decline dipped slightly beneath 50%=10364. My next targets still above 10839.
Below 10360 I got to play the volatility game: twitter.com/4Friends3YTyler/status/774564128568578048. ;)
This market idea of further bull runs towards 11367 (=11514) stays active. DAX already made nearly 10800 and retraced again below 10364 (10250). As long I do not see my 50% level cracked I follow this setup. :)))))))))))))))
many sidway trading day behind us, many news moved DAX up and back down. For myself a longer investment still belongs to the bull scenario ahead.

Intraweekly trades I can't show you here since I'm missing the weekly pivots in here but basically for my personal decisions... but if you want you can watch it here: go.guidants.com/start/?chart=1677482
Trade active
close here 50% of all open positions. ;)
DAX Indexdax30gdax

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