DJI | Guidance | Alert

Journal Entry

Bias: Positive.

Sentiment: Optimistic.

Emoji (emotion): Focused 🤖.

Null Hypothesis: Buy.

Alternative Hypothesis: Sell.

Signals: ...

Position: Day trade.

Notes: I'm anticipating the market to buy back to the trendline.

Other: The market is closing the monthly in a few days, things should get interesting.

Tutorial: (Q/A) What exactly is the box labeled tolerance? The box labeled tolerance is a defined range of value & time that qualifies the right to exit the trade after a profit is made; as long as the security is inside the box and above the trade's entry one could say the profit is within tolerance, likewise if the security is outside the box either because of value or time one could say the profit is not within tolerance. It's a way to add parameters to the future outcome (as a means to grade the journal entry) while simultaneously providing leniency in the ability to achieve success with said journal entry.

About the Author: I'm happy to hear from my readers/audience and I encourage constructive feedback; although I'm busy I will give my best effort to reply. I do strive to build an esteemed reputation with a prolific following and earn the titles of a Tradingview Wizard & Top Author; along those lines I'm a financial scientist and my contributions offered to the community are apart of my scientific journal or goodwill to mankind.

Disclaimer: My journal entry is not a complete prospectus, please consider it accordingly.
TIDE-04Trend Analysis
