DOW JONES @ Daily @ Basic Scenario 2016 (Brexodus & Trump)

By Devise2Day
Basic Numbers
  • 18172.87 @ 1st Basic Yearly High 2016 before BREXODUS
  • 18629.96 @ 1st High before Back 2 School Season & President Election
  • 18674.74 @ 2nd High before Back 2 School Season & President Election

The Market breakedUp @ no questions :) but i am still not blindly optimistic
- `cause the unpredictabble noises around our new president Trump are too loud ...

How ever, volatility is garanteed, so i wouldn`t be surprised if the Market comes back until 18629.96 & 18674.74. And a fall until 18172.87 (even until 1st Basic Yearly High 2016 before BREXODUS) - inlusive a turnaround above - would only create an evidence of the long-term Bull market which we`re trading now.

  • long-term Bull Market > 18172.87
  • mid-term Bull Market > 18629.96 & 18674.74

I am excepting a trading range beetwen 18600 & 19000 while this week and next weeks.
After we could rise, if no politic impacts bites the markets, until 20000 Points - into 2017 !?
Even when our new president Trump will take over the White House offically (21st january) with his team ...

Take care
& analyzed it again
- it`s always your choice ...

Best regards

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