Hope but also fear & despair

By MrRenev

I have to start with a little lesson or reminder:
- Parasites: Organisms that live temporarily or permanently in a host, feeding off its host rent free, in its best interest to keep the host healthy or at least alive.
- Bacteria: Entire domain (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya - Animals & Plants are Eukarya) that just doesn't care, some of them eat their "host" alive or dead.
- Virus: Undead creatures (technically...) that inject dna in their host to make more of them. They cannot spread on their own. Need living host.
- Prion: Misfolded protein which transmits its shape to other ones in a chain reaction and causes terrifying psychiatric symptoms, death. No diagnosis, no cure.

Let's focus on viruses. Their objective is to multiply. They're quite basic.
Take 2 viruses, which one do you think will spread the most?
A- Host instantly collapses to the ground, bleeds through his eyes, and dies in 3 days.
B- Host is full of energy, never gets any symptoms, speaks to people, laughs, goes into nightclubs weekly.

The second epidemic of SARS-cov-2 which was also called covid-19 had more cases but less deaths.
The UK has a third mutation (third is incorrect as there have been at least thousands of mutations) and this one is far more contagious than the last ones...
If it is more contagious it would not be crazy to expect it to be less severe... FFS it's a virus that's not even alive, not an alien invasion trying to wipe us out.

Most viruses have very low mortality rates. All the very lethal ones come from? From other species! In particular flying critters, and in more particular bats.
HIV is said to come from some monkey, could be flying primates who knows?
These viruses have adapted to their hosts, and when they transmit to humans they come in another form.

Common sense says "don't eat anything that looks like you". Eating humans enough times will result in a guaranteed light speed devastating exponential spread of 100% death rate prion disease. Eating monkeys often ends up badly. I would also avoid bats.

Why do bats develop so many "super viruses"?
This is the answer: Bats fly, and when they do their body heats up (I think it goes up to 40°C which is what a human gets when they have hardcore fever - fever is a body method to get rid of disease by killing it with heat). Since their body heats up it damages their dna so they have a super saiyan immune system.
A virus is fragile. Only the "strongest" ones, in this case severe, will survive, and they'll be just severe enough to live in bats without killing them.
The "weak ones" just go away.
So when this bat virus jumps to humans it's super deadly compared to where it should be at, because humans don't heat up all day long like bats and humans do not have a radioactive immune system. The virus is overtuned for humans.
Then what happens is now the "strong" virus individuals - the most severe ones - are now the "weak" ones, host dies, host does not spread, and the virus dies with it.
The "weak" ones are now the "strong" ones that will spread their genes. The virus evolves until it finds the perfect balance, which is never ending as the environment in general always changes but not as fast as changing species.

Oh by the way, this blows out the "survival of the fittest" theory. The organism that survives is the one most adapted to its environment, and the result can be as we see here a total 180°.

We can expect things to calm down, and no need to get all paranoid and have panic attacks. Anything can happen, but things settling down is very likely.


Haha just kidding we're all going to die. In the past years the world has become completely open. Globalism always existed but not as much as today.
SARS happened about 20 years ago, who knows how bad it would have been if there were no borders like today?
Look at Europe and the rest of the world, they blocked all travel from the UK.
Even Bill Gates was able to predict something like covid-19 (I think we got very lucky here, could have been really terrible), it was obvious it would happen, only a matter of time.

There are extreme diseases all the time, but most of the time they remain local and die off (not during the black death era).
If half the planet is constantly jumping around countries you can be certain some local deadly diseases will jump with them.
Having noble virtuous openness philosophical ideals is cute and all but keep in mind opening up comes with everything: ideas, people, problems, disease.
It's like always putting all your eggs in the same basket, you are very optimistic.

The science cult believes science will save us all. All I've seen until is mass panic and a rushed untested vaccine with coinflip long term effects against a virus that mutated dramatically, no idea if it will work against this new virus.
The vaccine also came long after the epidemic was over and it killed more than 1 million people.

Now imagine a kind hearted virtuous noble open world with a continent wide schengen area in every continent, and ease of movement, migrants can go anywhere they want, illegals are welcome with open arms and actually are not illegals because it's legal to do whatever you want.
Now. Tell me.
It's only a matter of time. Maybe the next one won't spread. But EVENTUALLY I can guarantee with absolute certainty there is one that will spread.
And it will be lots of fun. Towns will fall first. Armed civilians and/or tanks will obliterate anyone trying to leave the cities. But this won't stop the spread.
Half the planet will die. Every one will become ultra-racist and murder anyone that looks different. Governments will collapse.
There will be no more order. People will isolate, kill each other for food. Wow such inclusiveness.

Or the next plague could be hantavirus (rats), or something else (with climate change there has been an explosion of wildlife - boars, foxes, deers, goats...)

Or maybe it will be much much worse than even Ebola. We'll all get our food from the same place, and our food will develop some prion disease.
People that eat this food will catch a disease we can not diagnose. The proteins will end up spreading exponentially to fields hence all types of food, they will end up in the water, they will end up everywhere with no sign of illness. And then people will start dying by the millions. Those alive will know deep down they have it. And remember prion causes horrifying psychiatric symptoms yay!
Governments will straight up nuke all large cities in a desperate attempt to save humankind. It sounds crazy but it's very real.
People will get paranoid and shoot anything that moves in a 25 meter circle around them.
But it will be too late anyway. No one will survive. Everyone will die a horrible slow excruciatingly painful death. The end.

If you risk 100% of your money on each trade, no matter how high your winrate YOU WILL BLOW UP this is a promise I make to you.
Same concept with getting all food from the same source, or 1 single worldwide globalist borderless nation.

collapseCoronavirus (COVID-19)diseaseFundamental Analysisrebuildingrecoveryvirus
