ES - S&P 500 - Wash & Rinse, now Long

By Tr8dingN3rd
Here comes the Wash & Rinse.

I was posting that we will bounce at the Centerline.
My timing was off for a couple days. But here it comes:

The move today makes sense.
First, we had news which where somehow not ultra bad.
But the market flushed big, leaving a GAP in the intraday chart (See the screenshot and my tweet).

They washed the stops to the downside, and closed the GAP on the upside. If we now close again above the Centerline, I bet that we will see the long awaited bounce.

Let's see how this day will end.

I only trade super small, because in these markets this is the only way to control risk and be involved if you don't have tens of millions.

Stalking Hat On!
The current pullback is not the turnaround from Bear to Bull market. It's just a pullback, that will eventually fail sooner than later.

However, we see that the short-term yellow Pitchfork catches the rejection. And I don't think that coming up Earnings will do good for the market either. And this rejections at the Centerline are signs of bad numbers.

We will find another short entry, that's for sure.

Chart PatternseslongTechnical Indicatorsmedianlinesp500longTrend Analysiswashandrinse
