Ethereum Classic


Eth C is like Vit C
More you get and more you want!!!

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The more you get and the more you want!!!
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Many of those involved with Ethereum before the DAO Hack were under the impression that Ethereum was hoping to do precisely this: be built on top of the well-established core ideas that Bitcoin provided but add on additional functionality in the form of a Turing Complete Smart Contract Platform.

But as The DAO Hack showed, this was not the case. What is now known as Ethereum™ has very little to do with the decentralist values that Bitcoin was created to embody.

The decision for The Ethereum Foundation to abandon the decentralist values that were used to entice contributions was unfortunate but created a vacuum that ultimately further refined the meaning and importance of those values and birthed a project whose mission was to continue that Original Ethereum Vision.

Ethereum Classic, even more so than Bitcoin itself, exists as an explicit reminder about the importance of decentralist values. There were many who didn't understand their significance at the time, but many others saw the truth that decentralization was the very point, not just an annoying obstacle to overcome.

Since the chain split, the design choices and philosophy of Ethereum Classic have come to recognize the genius decisions made when constructing the original Bitcoin protocol. As much as possible, ETC emulates this success in the pursuit of decentralism and the real-world achievements that followed.
