Ethereum buy and see. ETH/USD Technical analsis.

Logistic Wealth Management - Ethereum (ETH via Coinbase)ETHUSD

  • Strategist - VirginiaTElphee

What are Crypto Currencies? How does Ethereum differ from Bitcoin?

Technical Analysis
Charts looking bearish with a healthy test of .786 fib level. Price has broken channel and consolidated in and bullish wedge pattern, unable to break 240.000 level thusfar.

Personal Stance
Many analysts say Ethereum will grow exponentially in the coming months. Being only a fraction the value of bitcoin, Ethereum is expected to find value through high speed transactions, whatever that means. We also cannot ignore the looming threat of other cryptos that are also up and coming. I think it will truly come down to coding abilities and adaptability. From what I've heard ETH is best poised to adapt to change. That being said, I simply see it as a Gold/Silver relationship. BTC being gold, ETH is silver.
I'm willing to speculate with $100. Who knows what might happen.....

Entry 11:16 am - July 22, 2017. $100 invested equals +0.44107668 Ethereum @226.72. Fees of $3.99.

Stop loss is ZERO. You can't honestly expect to set a stop with such volatile instruments.

Add-ins considered based on price action considering price falls to 150.000 level.

Target - to be determined (360.000 level considered)

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Disclaimer:Trade at your own risk. These are my personal opinions. It should not be considered actual investment advice.
Ether not looking so good folks. Price failed to close the forex trading week above 200. Price is showing institutional selling and our wedge pattern has broken out in the wrong direction (doesn't always last, sometimes just shakes out weak hands.)
Bitcoin has been split to allow faster transactions.
ETH may be just a fad.. We shall see.
Zero or 360.
Holding strong! Price has rallied above 200 and is showing signs of strength as with Bitcoin. Should have bought a full coin when price was below 200...
Price is either shaking out or about to turn downward. Fundamentals of Ether looking sorta shaky. Holding strong.
In fact a test of 250 would be healthy.
With Ethereum approaching 360 I am getting ready to cash out this position. Reason being: just look at how many currencies are upcoming. I can name at least 5 I'm hearing about with potential. Not to mention, this thing is looking very bullish until we break the highs, which wont be anytime soon I don't think. I'm 100% sure selling the full position at this level, and locking in full return is the best long term and short term course of action. Prices could always go lower, giving us better entry's in the future. Lets take our gains and move on.
Second sentence *Not bullish, but bubblish.
Trade closed: target reached
Target reached Sold .44108 ETH for a withdraw of $156.85.
The daily chart is looking like a classic bubble formation ready to pop. I was honestly a little worried that it would not make it to $360. Patience paid. Re entry considered around $200.
Candlestick AnalysisFibonacciWedge
