Market in last 24hrs
- ETHUSD price moved down
- Price volatility was high. Market moved ~6%, between $236 and $249
Today’s Trend analysis
- Choppy/Sideways today
- Price at time of publishing: $240.5
- ‘Oscillator‘ indicators are neutral. RSI at 54
- ‘Moving average‘ indicators are mixed. Ichimoku Cloud is neutral
MACD line is trending down but above 0. RSI is trending almost flat, slightly above its midpoint 50. CCI, the more reactive oscillator, is trending down but its midpoint 0. All factors indicating that both bulls and bears are struggling.
The analysis is based on signals from 28 technical indicators, out of which 17 are moving averages and remaining 11 are oscillators. These indicator values are calculated using 4 hr candles.
DM to get details of the above analysis and list of indicator & their values used to arrive at the above conclusion.
Note: Above analysis would hold true if we do not encounter sudden jump in trade volume .
If you find the analysis useful, please like and share our ideas with the community!
- Mudrex