
By Victor.Y.F
The re-united states of America from the isolationism and the re-republic of China from the de-modernizationism.
Some questions about EU zone money policy.
1; devaluation of Euro for export to China and USA, that trend should've been over in 2015, and should've turned to hike in Euro. Now with Chinese poverty and USA changing, the ECB have huge problems from hike too late. (market is crashing)
2; the more LITRO is on the desk, which is a poison and drugs, using again will cause Brexit second vote, and still quit with China collapse.
3; the USA-EU trade war is getting worse, there's no co-operation among big central banks since 2015. (the soft war)
4; the ECB is in a uncharted territory where is negative, which is they shouldn't be there.
5; history must be respected and they don't.
6; commodity markets prices are sabotaged by mathematic negative model.
7; negative money policy has been proved is a failure in the multi-region economic zone, like China and Eu zone, they're too big to balance the poverty. (imagine Italy quit, budget conflict with France)
8; negative money policy is only proved in the island like Japan and single land like Switzerland.
9; multi-region money police without a single budget, which is called ECB's design has an huge structural flaw.
Last meal for traders, before the night.
let's serve, now......
With talking about "At any costs" again, ECB looks like is gaining the money policy cycle again after the USA money policy window has been past.
So if ECB still wants to squeeze China, please do your job quickly. Because the forex market would not tolerate the trade war soon, if the bubbles burst now all markets will be down. This delay is a torture already.
The negative money policy is a modern economic theory, which has been proven a idealist's failure already. "Ideals are peaceful ( naive), history is violent."
Think about the education during the past 10 years, the harming to the industry system. Almost in every field and every one goes to a speculative way. Which is a short term growth and long term recession.
ECB still deny the shock of it. The cultural effects in the negative are very clear now.
This can do the same thing like 2015, the last meal in the stock market and idealism's dusk should've come sooner or later.
Let's see how crazy this can go.
Source: yahoo
"President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he’d hold “extended” talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping at next week’s G-20 summit, as he rebuked European Central Bank President Mario Draghi over a possible move to provide further monetary stimulus."
Technically speaking the ECB is doing its work by the target. The central banks have different targets, FRB (Fed) has inflation and jobs two targets but the ECB has only one target, the inflation. It's clear that the Euro dollar was designed for the USA inflation currency in the forex market, at past. It's since 2011 that the forex market shows some things negative till 2015 the negative is deepening by the ECB, which is causing the USA inflation failure and the China failure too, by the USDCNY pegging tight.
So President Trump do has his point at this point. The forex market really sick, the negative money policy could be talked in the G20 meeting, the unbalance and the inflation.
To be clear:
We disagree with the negative money policy since 2015. central banks should have hiked 4 years before, the USA success has proven it. The interests leading the inflation, this is evidently true. The negative money policies make short term growth but long term recessions.
It's a torture mentally and physically for the human being, the culture effects are lasting 10 years.
Very interesting to see President Trump's Twitter talked about letting the ECB decide the USA money policy but not by Powell, it seems like the negative secret couldn't be kept any longer.
Again we know Trump is a good guy, by supporting him even before his election. Form long term point of view, he should become a guardian of the peace during his second service: from a survivor to a president and later from a fighter to a guardian. Hopefully not a hero in the future.
France President Macron supports Christine Lagarde to replace Mario Draghi. This is bringing the stability of the market now. She has good relationship with China too. So the last meal of the global harmony should come back soon, fits our predictions.
Source: FXCM, ING,
“These are confusing times for the eurozone. With divergences between GDP and survey data and an ECB on the brink of taking action, it is all the more important to look at hard data coming in. May’s retail sales will therefore be taken as an important indication that consumption growth has slowed significantly in the second quarter.”
“As the industrial slump in the eurozone continues, it’s the service sector that's keeping GDP from contracting at the moment.”
“With so much dovishness in recent speeches, it is clear that the ECB is ready to act if necessary. With 2Q weakness in the retail sector, the importance of industrial performance only rises. Next week will see May’s industrial production figures for the eurozone. If very disappointing, that could sway the central bank to go early.”
Congratulations ECB, your consumer confidence is rising negativity, this's our joke of course.
Without money policy supporting, the service sector data is showing that the consumers are using their bank saving to spend, after several months spendings by lagging from ECB people are getting poorer and poor. So this's basically what is happening in EU zone after Chinese poverty is predicted successfully.
Consequently, the ECB will use drugs again just like our title chart is showing. Meanwhile the PBOC will not devaluate RMB at this moment, so everything fits now.
We're waiting for the ECB action earlier before the Oct.
How many charts we could show you guys, before you would believe that the ECB is a lier? How many people think Euro is weak? The negative is a QE?
Or just a tightening......
Be careful traders, the GER30 is squeezing into Euro dollar, until BOJ action.
The imbalance in cross pairs may have to correct soon.
2020/03/06 Beijing time 19:49 ( above charts)
in case TV remove time line again, we're using our own time lines.
2020/03/06 Beijing time 23:36
After checking some Euro pairs, we now think that the FRB (Fed) emergency cut is working for the ECB, or saying USA is doing EU zone money policy due to the negative.
This is very inconvenient to work, and this is sabotaging commodity markets price.
Just like we've said 6 years before...... a manipulation failure.
China can be squeezed again, but it needs to rise before the collapsing, the last meal is coming soon.
2020/03/11 Beijing time 2:23
We know ECB doesn't care GER30 dropping, but the problem is that the single market will affect the SPX500 which is key to the USA growth, you're on a same boat. The capital squeezing is running into Euro dollar rising with very high volatility, where the forex market is out of control. Simply saying, Euro dollar ATR is too great.
Now we're teaching ECB it......
2020/03/13 Beijing time 15:55
Total collapsing in EU zone......
Buffet is talking about with 89 years old, he's never seen this before.
Dario is shorting EU zone indexes with longing China indexes, for hedging protection and his risks may be rewarded huge.
Trump says this is not a crisis, USA is healthy. Yes, we've said USA is very healthy. But the SPX500 dropping is real, so what is this?
1, this is a trade war civilian casualty.
2, China productivity gap of virus affects western world now, supply chain.
3, a negative rising technically.
Watch BOJ move.
2020/03/17 Beijing time 18:42
On chart.
2020/03/19 Beijing time 17:16
Our point of the stock market is that the central banks will purchase stocks to save it and they will sell them after a new top is set. Those sectors in the stock market has become more imbalanced and more divided now. Be careful with softwares, they should be a compensation to help lower sectors like hardware sectors and miners, metals, electric cars, motors.
We suggest investors to look at electric parts sector, everything goes to electric in the future, the 21st. century should be the electric century where we've mentioned before. There will be a Nobel price about electric theory physics and a battery applications for people around the world to get very cheap energy, maybe free energy from the universe.
An innovation is always coming after the recession.
A word to ECB and the other central banks like RBA, BOC and PBOC, there is a nature growth like the tree growth, like the human population growth. If the nature mother growth rate is 2% in a lunar cycle ( 1 year cycle) then the currency rates growth shouldn't have lowered than that in such a cycle.
This is saying the nominal deposit rates shouldn't have lowered than 2%, or you will go to REAL rates negative, which is unhealthy.
The stock market problem is a preface, the truth is the philosophy mistakes you've taken.
The worst part is it's an uncharted dark place where is bad for your mental.
It's against the God......
2020/04/04 Beijing time 13:58
EU zone leaders have admitted that "Italy should've been help at the first place." too late....... eyes on Italy exit. They warned Germany and Holland to "think like a European.
"Euro dollar is a ideal based on the "one money zero war", but now the wind has changed.
The global stock markets have a long long way to go up, technical bears have formed already. From China leading a bad way point of view, with character of the western world social complexity, the bottom sequence may have to take a 12 months period, where should fit Tokyo delay and China dead cat bounce.
2020/04/23 Beijing time 14:06
News is Germany ordered F18 from USA. Trump said EU zone is facing big problems.
Our point of view:
Before the first soft war ending in 2015, ECB gathered huge amount of money by export cars, foods, planes to USA and China, from Euro dollar devaluation. When the money policy gone to extreme, ECB should have hiked, but they didn't.
Think about this, you are rich, would you give your money to your people for free, for benefit human being or just keep the money to yourself because of selfishness?
When the cycle ended, the Titanic is sinking, every country is on its own. ECB didn't pass its test and they went to negative. That's why we're blaming central banks, like always. They'er still doing it wrong. Now the consequences have eaten back from "China can compensation forever".
Sooner or later, China should confront a question of "what kind of Europe will be".
The soft wars( currency war and trade war), the fake plague( coronavirus), now the artificial poverty( huge fortune are redistributing). Poor is poorer, rich is richer, culture revolution and generations classes struggles are firing all around the world), human civilization is ending. From the pessimist side, everything has gone wrong. So the revisionism is rising to look back to 1980's even look back to 1900's, where is old fashion, a more crazy world.
Again we blame the central banks.
2020/05/05 Beijing time 23:29
Source: FXCM.
"German court: ECB action not supported by EU treaty. German judge has ruled that part of the ECB's quantitative easing case is unconstitutional."
2020/05/06 Beijing time 14:23
There will be more PSPP than PEPP, PEPP is ending, the PSPP is as same as the USA nationalization sequence.
It looks like the economy is chopping down small branches on the tree, leaving the main trunk where's the most matter. They're cheating on people to borrow money from banks for free. Central banks are still doing it wrongly. They should've hiked in 2015, now they're using a new mistake to cover that old one.
We suggest people using the money from banks for free, then take profits, eating the bait before they trigger a button of the hikes.
If you're following this, it will make you different after the pandemic.
2020/06/05 Beijing time 18:14
German Foreign Minister Thomas Maas: "EU zone can not make its way out of crisis through the saving account."
See? They has to boost the stock market, for the last meal. The simple reality is that if EU zone can pass the crisis, then they shouldn't have cut jobs from companies. The right way to saving the crisis, is they should've sold the stock market and keep the jobs, companies can cut the salary but must give the profits to works. That method should've built a bottom of the future economic fundamental statistic.
Now everything is too late, human race has never been so negative, in the human civilization. One thing is for sure, that we 're making a new history, a miserable one.
Thank you ECB! ( a joke for the negative adventure too much)
2020/10/26 Beijing time 19:14
Merkel told Germany companies to be careful with supply chain of China.
In deed, the "two market" or "dual- cycle" economy, will be the future in China market. With PBOC precious RMB, which is a wrong money policy in a condition of global poverty growth in this global pandemic, Chinese people have never been like such divided in the classes struggles between rich and poor.
Our followers should've understood that China is a capitalism market since 1980's, although the politic is a socialism, now the capitalism has formed some strong classes in this country. Especially, in the banking system has formed a bad one, which is harming 80% people by 20% minority. This has become a problem of slaving people.
We're not saying capitalism is good or bad, we're saying that when the market has gone to extreme, like Karl Max has said before there will be change or revolution.
If you're an optimism in China, please wait, before new generations take places. Simply saying, please look at Macron in France, China is late in the culture movement already.
The banking system assets may decrease massively.
2020/10/29 Beijing time 18:35
Now the EU zone is going to do second shutdown, pathetically.
It's very interesting to see how the society has gone to negative culture, leading by the negative interests money policy. When the money goes to negative interests, people's assets will become debts. The whole economy will be in chaos.
We've said that again and again, don't go there, it's unhealthy.
2020/11/04 Beijing time 22:35
Pathetically terrorism serial attacks in EU zone. We feel very sorry about it.
Please remember that was on Oct. 6, where we talked about Pope of Christian said something very important.
We quote our comments here:
"We take all religions very seriously, not like many "great han" populists, they're too old. We think the religions are not like TRADES. It' not ok to disrespect most people on this world, who they're religious men. Although the major religions have some good points and have some bad points, but they have many believers.
The religion is a philosophy sequence, not a science, and we can tell you guys most people( who would call themselves scientific people) don't understand what is a science as well. "
2021/1/29 Beijing time 17:39
German Commercial bank: recent remarks of the European Central Bank,
declare that the "euro" currency war has begun. See, right? the second soft WWII is gonna start soon.
We've never seen such a stupid PBOC, in 2015 it missed the hiking window, in 2020 it missed the devaluation window, those consequences were taken by normal people.
Be careful with what's Yellen saying, the market should be shaken before it goes.
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsDXYEURCNYeuroindexHarmonic PatternsUSDCNY
