Note: Consistent success in financial markets requires a personalized trading strategy
*A method that specifies the type and amount of patience
*Entry and exit points
*Your customized psychology plan
*Risk management program based on your personality
Trading Rules:
Always Use a Stop Loss:
A stop loss is a predetermined amount of risk that a trader is willing to accept with each trade. The stop loss can be either a dollar amount or percentage, but either way it limits the trader's exposure during a trade. Using a stop loss can take some of the emotion out of trading since we know that we will only lose X amount on any given trade.
Ignoring a stop loss, even if it leads to a winning trade, is bad practice. Exiting with a stop loss, and thereby having a losing trade, is still good trading if it falls within the trading plan's rules. While the preference is to exit all trades with a profit, it is not realistic. Using a protective stop loss helps ensure that our losses and our risk are limited.
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