News on Italian elections were (for the time being) not shocking/suprise. So no crisis there.
Germany now has a stable government and no surprises there either.
Greece is no longer threat to anyone except their own pensioners.

USA's tariff plan is backfiring (China, EU reacting bad), although I believe they (USA) will not back out and will eventually go through it, as it will create a softer/cheaper USD, subsequently decreasing imports and increasing exports, and (probably) increasing employment rates. I believe that president Trump and his cabinet are actively working towards this. I believe that all this rhetoric for now is to size the reactions - the calm before the storm. USA will continue (of course) to be a mega-power, and USD will continue being valued greatly (even it the rate is significantly changed).

With the above in mind (meaning - no more surprises in the horizon), and taking into account the 2 channels (#1 yellow W1, #2 aqua D1), and with a resistance level on that channel hasn't been broken since 2008 and after 5 attempts (I inlcude the Nov2009 even though it didin't touch the 'sky'), I believe that both the chart analysis and the quick-and-dirty news interpretation point to USD weakening and EUR become a bit stronger, causing the slow-and-fuzzy short that may last 3 months and may give a 0.95 TP (in a short like this I won't bother with the remaining decimals).
And right because of newbieness and (mostly) fatigue I charted short and described long. No excuse. This is bad - and I need to rethink my SL on my short :)

I still believe that both outcomes (long/short) are possible due to the circumstances chart & news (and I was just reading about Payl Ryan also pleading for dropping the tariffs' discussion).
EURUSDParallel ChannelSELLshortSupport and ResistanceTrend Lines
