I've been working for 5 hours to estimate the trend turns for the next six months. To gain the knowledge to do those five hours are countless.

Now, it will not be 100 % accurate in timing. I still have a lot of cycle work to be completed to fine-tune. But it will be quite accurate as I have gone back in time and checked out what EWZ has done in the past. And since the past tells us about the future as history repeats, confidence level is high. Please allow a day or two on each side of the green bars.

Price is a different story. I have no clue how to deal with that. But its better to know when price can turn than how high it can go, if you catch my drift?
Regarding trend...
I tried to draft the main idea.
The trend is strong upwards so many of the downmoves are playing out sideways. The larger trend is running till July 24 or so (direction = up).
Beyond Technical AnalysisbrazildilmaemergingmarketsEWZGannlulaTrend Analysis
