ChainLink / Bitcoin


1 287
https :// gallery/ NWoHfMm
https: // /95QLy0s

(Spaces in betwen both links; delete them in the web browser for access, otherwise TView won't let me post them)

FIRST AND FOREMOST....I feel it necessary to explain myself as to why the hell its been almost 2 weeks since I published anything; let me put my (small, but vocal & loyal followers whom I am very appreciative for =D) at ease & let you all know that what has happened needs no further explanation that the screenshots taken as revealed in the images posted on imjur today...

I posted this support ticket on TradingView Help Center on 12/21/19 & I'm not sure if the issue was resolved but it appears to be...I hope anyway.

The support ticket (both the one I had filed & the ones I had in the past going back several years) were all wiped clear..and the data analytics show a patch resolved a bug on 01/11/2019 so I hope that this puts this matter to bed. In short, I had two tradingview accounts (courtesy of IoS (which LOATHE AND DESPISE) ) as well as logging in via facebook/google/twitter or hand typing login/psasword in full juxtaposition with logging in solely with one method: using the login/password manually (which on my phone is no biggie..thanks to face ID & such) nor is it on my PC / laptop as I often find myself typing faster than I think so constantly put myself in a position where the expression "think before you speak" applies directly to the context in which I mistakingly (at times) forget to "think before I TYPE!"

The main issue I was having was that it created a duplicate account -- my publications, followers, rep were getting split into "atarabichi" and "a1mtarabichi" which was so damn frustrating as not only did it prevent me from posting any publications; but I could not access intraday trading timeframes...

Some of the lovely publications you missed (but not for lack of trying) in the past week alone: EOS DATA BNB ETH & my LORD did I want to post my LEND & TRX publication as that was a HUGE haul and it pissed me off that I could do nothing more than tweet "[insert crypto TA here+E" where E = dumbass rocket emoji.

Twitter is a means to an end. A way for me to buy the rumor before it becomes the news. If something happens with my tradingview account preenting me from publishing again...I can assure you that I won't bother trying to post the TA forexsignals on Twitter; an OVERTLY populated, filled with SPAM SPAM SPAM often times (more often than not) from traders who suck and are making me rip my hair off my head as they somehow have the mass appeal to garner tens of of thousands to hundreds of thousands of engagements thus accomplishing what I set out to do but with VASTLY INACCURATE NUMBERS!!

EVEN WHEN I AM 100% RIGHT; I PRACTICE what Ray Dalio (multi-billionaire; hedge fund managemer, long-time wallst broker/investor/magnate describes as being "Radically Open Minded" which is a brilliant strategy for an entrepeneur/institutional investor/venture capitalist to have before taking a position on anything whatsoever. Dalio himself is most notable for running "Bridgewater Associates" a hedge fund renown for its including pension funds, endowments, foundations, foreign governments, and central banks. For those still unfamiliar with Dalio's work in Bridgewater Associates as founder & CEO in 1975, a brief bio details the firm's history including pioneering the industry certain investment strategies STILL used to this day.strategies such as: currency overlay, the separation of alpha and beta strategies, the creation of absolute return products, and risk parity.[6] According to Financial News, the company was the fastest growing asset manager from 2000 until 2005 when it stopped accepting new accounts.[Its assets under management have increased by 25% each year during the 2001-2010 decade with employees at eleven times their year 2000 levels.

The company's Daily Observations research is reportedly read by leaders of central banks and managers of pension funds around the world.

In 2012 Dalio appeared on the annual Time 100 list of the 100 most influential people in the world.[19] In 2011 and 2012 Bloomberg Markets listed him as one of the 50 Most Influential people. Institutional Investor's Alpha ranked him No. 2 on their 2012 Rich List.

It utilizes a global macro investing style based on economic trends such as inflation, currency exchange rates, and U.S. gross domestic product. Bridgewater Associates began as an institutional investment advisory service, graduated to institutional investing, and pioneered the risk parity investment approach in 1996.

I first discovered Dalio after finishing "The Making of an American Capitalist" a semi-autobiographical and strategic guide on Warren Buffet written by Roger Lowenstein -- another MUST READ recommendation; but unlike Lowenstein's book on Buffet...Dalio's semi-autobiographical investing guide, not dissimilar from the aforementioned one about Buffet, is more of a "Dos and Don'ts Rulebook for venture capitalists" and it was written by himself. It gives you a dive into the mind of one of the greatest entrepeneuers and investors to have ever existed int he history of mankind -- and you damn sure learn a lot from it!!

For those interested in Dalio's's called "Principles: Life & Work published in 2017 Ray Dalio based on principles he had developed while running Bridgewater Associates.

WITH THAT BEING SAID: I'm praying this publication will post properly...and I could go on all day with this oped but I've said what I needed to say thus far and need to foucs (from hereon) moreso on quantity & less on quality (that's not to say I need to be one of those clowns posting 15 chart publications a day with an accuracy rate of about 40% and talking crap not knowing what the hell they're saying -- and they do so with absolute subborness & such confidence like "how the f could you possibly know?" but I digress.

I just felt it necessary ONCE AGAIN to distinguish that I will always practice this concept of being radically open minded; always be open to the idea that I am WRONG and my TA is clearly wrong as well. It's IMPOSSIBLE to account for all anomalies when it comes to investing, but with the 10 Crypto Commandments (it's on my Linkdeln page as well as my Twitter...I highly suggest you read it) and don't be one of those "TLDR" clowns who expects to get rich without doing any research whatsoever..

I live my life using the 7 P's to guide my version of success (in roder from most to least important) I suggest others do the same as this philosophy is foolproof, despite being different contingent on your personal preference/hobbies/goals/aspirations:

  • 1) Prepare

  • 2) Prioritize

  • 3) Portfolio Management

  • 4) Python 3.7 (cloud computing & data compressionn MOSTLY(

  • 5) Promises (New Years Resolutions -- Promises made, Promises kept including taking care of my mind/body/health for what I call an "inner spiritual revolution" though that's a whole other oped/article for a whole other time/date

  • 6) PRACTICE (Nothing worth having comes EASY -- BUILD the skills I need to have while BOLSTERING the ones I do have)

  • 7) PLAY!! (BALANCE, R&R, RELAXATION..I learned the HARD WAY in 2019 that not having the right routine, which includes setting time aside for a hobby (reading a book, watching TV< working out, getting laid, clubbing, ANYTHING that helps you grow spiritually)

I got a little out of hand here so I'll update later... with that being said: We've got an inverted H&S ON CHAINLINK LINK BTC

Numbers, targets, STOP LOSS (red horizontal) and all the likes posted above.

[b]Personally I"m shooting for TP 0.00028995 & setting stop @ 25064S.

Fairly bullish on this signal as evidenced by the inverted H&S posted in chart above







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