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(LUNA2USDT.P chart)

(1W chart)
In order to turn into a mid- to long-term upward trend, the price must be maintained by rising above the MS-Signal indicator.

Accordingly, the key is whether the price can be maintained by rising to the 0.6593-0.9347 range or higher.

However, a full-fledged upward trend is expected to begin only when the price rises above 2.0609.

(1D chart)

The key is whether it can receive support and rise in the 0.5550-0.6697 range.

If not, caution is needed as it may fall to around 0.4796.

(4h chart)
The major resistance areas are 0.6712-0.7140 and 1.25-1.4497.

Therefore, the key is whether these two resistance areas can be broken upward.

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** All explanations are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** Trading volume is displayed as a candle body based on 10EMA.
How to display (in order from darkest to darkest)
More than 3 times the trading volume of 10EMA > 2.5 times > 2.0 times > 1.25 times > Trading volume below 10EMA

** Even if you know other people’s know-how, it takes a considerable amount of time to make it your own.

** This chart was created using my know-how.

Beyond Technical AnalysisTechnical Indicatorsluna2LUNA2USDLUNA2USDTluna2usdtperpTrend Analysis
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[Example of exchange chart setup]



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