M2: Final Words Required

Millions of people screaming at each other. I wish you could see the world through my eyes. Waves inside waves inside waves inside waves, composite and probabilistic in nature.

Nature, what is human nature. People sure put a lot on the line in their perceived life. Since life, as we know it, is finite, what happens after life?. You think you have the answer, Christian, Muslim, 'insert doctrine here'. What if you're wrong?. Do you remember before you were born or is your experience learned. What if life has no meaning?. What if you're wrong. You don't know, I don't know. I am not worried about what I think I know in this life, I am worried about what I don't know after life. Why worry at all? I don't know what happens after life, neither do you, one thing I do know is, if it was a test, I'm FOCK3D. Eternity is a long time to have been wrong when I had no focking idea.

I get furious at the system, I want to break it, smash it to pieces, because the alternative is so beautiful that if it were organic human nature it could only mean one thing. Simulation, of finding an electron on a wave |PSI|2 wave function , probabilistic in nature. Not 100%...... randomness amongst order in a normalised time scale. Waves.. which make up all, give me hope that, mutual destruction is not also inevitable, however improbable.

Can the cycle be broken? There has to be a way.

I am scared. Not for me, my fait is sealed.

For all of us.

Beyond Technical Analysis
