Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 4080 Short Put

By NaughtyPines
... for a 73.75 credit.

Comments: Functionally rolling to a 4080 short straddle here to delta balance and bring my delta/theta ratio to back under 1.0. The position remains net delta short, which I'm fine with since we're at 30 day highs here. Will look to take off the whole kit and caboodle in the next several days here, since I've only got 32 DTE to go in this contract, and would like to move on to the March fairly soon.
And sometimes the market does the work for you, which is why you don't want to overadjust. Back to slightly short/nearly net delta flat here, having started out the day shorter than I wanted to be.
Beyond Technical AnalysisdeltaadjustmentMES1!optionsstrategiespremiumsellingreversegammascalpingshortput
