MGTI cup+handle breakout

By jdharward
MGTI has formed a massive cup and handle formation over the past year.
Target price of $5-6 before EOY with a price of $12-15 in 2018, possibly spiking as high as $20+ next year.
Wave 5 completion taking place now?

MGTI is the largest miner in North America and shaping up to be one of the world's largest. Buying MGTI is a great way to invest in Bitcoin because they can mine whatever is the most profitable. If the flippening or cashining happens with Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash, you're hedged with MGTI.

4700 rigs online Q1 2018 that are pre-paid for and being built, delivered and brought online as we speak.

MGTI's stock price nearly doubled from 1.60s to $3.19 between Black Friday and this morning.
+25% on Friday
+35 this morning

Dropped to +10% this morning and currently rebounding at $2.61 (+16%)
MGTI has a hell of a hard time hanging on to it's gains. Seems this latest pump and dump may have been just that. Not to worry, MGTI is a long term (2018) play. I added another 1000 shares yesterday and plan to add another few thousand either today or Monday. I'm expecting a BTC correction this weekend, which will probably effect MGTI's price if that happens.

Here's the neat thing about MGTI. We all know Crypto is the future but we don't know "which" crypto it will be. Probably Bitcoin or Bitcoin cash but could be anything. The great thing about MGTI is they can mine anything so they're a built in hedge. No matter which coin "wins", so do you.
Bitcoin now over $14,000. MGTI has been gaining steadily. If BTC can hold around this level over night, MGTI should see a nice gap up tomorrow morning.
BCHDJ Cotton IndexBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)MGTIWave Analysis
