The Metcash Ltd (ASX:MTS) MACD Histogram (12, 26, 9) has just recorded 25 consecutive days below 0. Since 2000, this type of indicator persistence below 0, was usually the forerunner to some short-term upside.
The 20-day average absolute return, following MTS's (12, 26, 9) MACD Daily Histogram below 0 for 25 consecutive days, was 5.56% with a win rate of 14 from 16, median 4.18%, & standard deviation of 5.07%.
The 20-day average relative return versus the All Ordinaries Index, following MTS's (12, 26, 9) MACD Daily Histogram below 0 for 25 consecutive days, was 3.26% with a win rate of 13 from 16, median 2.50%, & standard deviation of 3.83%.