The charts says.... SHIB is ready to run!!!

If you ever wanted to know what a SHIBster looks like. Here is what the charts says. I'm soft HODL at 6300 out at around 10,000+ plus. Depends on the chart at that instant.
Trade active
This is a highly manipulatable coin via algos and bots. If you do not know what you are doing, you should not be trading shitcoin. You will feel crooks from cheap cons 80% of the posts on the TradingView chats since these guys charge huge fees for Premium service but couldn't give a shit about the quality of the technical analysis discussions.

And, they are overcharging me. TV needs competition...
And I'm banned from the Chat because I was SCREAMING at crooks. Well, how DARE I! LOL
Very cautious on this one as not as bullish now since it broke important support. I think this little SHIBster got here with some cosmic help. Charts will tell and right now, the story is clear. There are differences of opinions between technical traders. I just wished TradingVIew made the discussion more professional. Really annoying not being able to have intelligent discussions with good traders. There's way too many noisemakers and manipulators on the chats to be of any real use. Tradingview Chats are NOT to be trusted. It's like entering a very unsafe area in a city and not being warned. I give TradingVIew 10/10 but the chat being -10/10, the overall score is 5/10.
Chart PatternsHarmonic PatternsmoonshotmoonsieshitcoinanalisisshitcointradeshitcoinzTrend Analysis
