SLP - Start of the RUN on this SHITCOIN!???

WOW! WOW! Said Shiba Inu the trading dog with Just Charts!

If we sustain this rally, this shitcoin will fly. As with any shitcoin, beware of the pump and dump. Focus on the charts and truth. Right now, there's a flood of buyers on SLP - Smoothing Love Portion for Shibarian Warriors attaching Wall Street with open, 24/7, worldwide trading of good, bad and ugly crypto.

How can LOVE be anything else than good! Join the ROBOTRADING team, where we look at the charts and call them out the way they should be. Bullish, we're on the pump. Bearish, we're out of here in a FLASH! I will update this idea and confirmation as we proceed with this yummy loving bull run. I feel high with love already! Hug for all the LOVING DOGs!

Go LONG with Smoothing Love Potion but please, learn the charts and trust yourself.


Wild T1mes All Right!
Trade active
If this volume and bull conviction continues on this little "Smooth Love Potion", need need to worry about taking profits. Best to set an alarm on a trailing indicator like EMA 20-55 ribbon on an hourly timer? Please comment if you are following this trade. There's no stupid question, we're all students of the markets and Crypto is a whole new beast. With two heads. One good, one bad. Both are profitable on the trade, only one is profitable to HODL.
Chart PatternsHarmonic PatternsmoonshotmoonshotengagedmoonshotsshitcoinanalisisshitcoinlongshitcointradeshitcoinztakeoffTrend Analysis
