SPX500: Who Traps Whom

Who has been trapped? This is the only question I want answered. It's burning me from the inside.
Tom has many super cool videos on the subject of probabilities and he's one of the few people I'm willing to listen to:
this continues to go on - the pivots rule
SPY: Expanding Range and The Pivots
same here try the play button; time is the mystery and the risk factor though
SPY: Just a Question
Can we go higher from here? It's possible, but I'm looking at the volume and I don't see it. People expect a breakout to the upside and I want to know their reasons. One day rallies have been typical with the news such as today.
We can see that around July 6 there was a massive amount of selling done judging by the volume.That has not been counterbalanced as of today. Just saying.
The lines on our charts without volume interpretation are not very useful. They are mostly our imagination. The volume tells a much better story overall.
I think that not thinking is kind of like Zen. "I think therefore I am" is total rubbish. "I am" probably because my mom and dad were hot for sure and not because I think they might have been. If you know what I mean.
Beyond Technical AnalysisS&P 500 (SPX500)

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