Experts think one leg lower...

By pogicraft
I really doubt that.... the only way conceivable would be the green curve to the green line. I think we're shaky but bullish, if for no other reason than that we have to be. This is my 'I told you' chart that I'm making public so I can reference it later -- but honestly doesn't help anyone very much right now. Except to say that the moans and groans that you hear anytime someone says they're bullish right now might just be the maximum bearishness that the market is looking for to head back up. Even if the charts don't reflect that.

The only hint I'll give right now is just to say that weak hands must be shaken, either a big sell off before the end of the quarter to cement last minute profits or a drop after big money finishes readjusting their portfolios right after. Either way, the picture for the next 3 months is looking better than it was a month ago. The only way that we make another leg lower is if we jump on the bandwagon too soon and the trend gets broken because everything becomes super extended towards a positive outlook. So lets moan and groan and sleepwalk towards a recession in 12 months but enjoy the trip higher in the meantime.
Trend Analysis
I usually try not to tell you what to do -- too crowded there. I'll point out what price points/trends/patterns the pros are looking at and let you interpret what that means for your portfolio.
