
Ok, time to draw some pretty pictures

Why can't we just go higher from here? Everybody seems so negative -- and indeed I'm more neutral than bullish right now but $480 is just as possible as $530 and we really just have to wait out earnings season to see which way we get smacked first. I was bullish (then netflix happened) then bearish (then explosions over the weekend) then bullish (then people seem to be selling on any good news) so now bearish leaning again (in the short term). But the fact remains that there were rumors we were going to get another rate hike and so any rallying last thurs/fri faded downward, but though things haven't been great this week, I think it's fair to say most people aren't worried we'll get a rate hike in July anymore.

It's pretty terrible long term though -- we could actually succeed in a soft landing. But we could also crash. And equally likely but unknown until recently, we could just have stagflation for a while. Things are kind of weird right now and wall st seems nervous to get excited about anything. But I think for the common man, recession is off the table.

A lot of caution, please.
