Minimum Student Loan forgiveness estimates @ $500Billion now.
Total Debt according to CRS is $1.6 Trillion. The Factual baseline estimate is $1.7 Trillion across the total pool of student loan debt balance is $37,667 or $1.711 Trillion.
It is important to note these are Government statistics. Actual Debt
15 Million people owe $10,000 or less - $150 Billion.
21 Million people owe $10,000 to $50,000 - $525 Billion
9 Million people owe $50,000 or more - $450 Billion @ $50,000
Appears to be quite low.
45.4 Million borrowers who took loans prior to July 2022:
1. Extend repayment moratorium for 4 months after a 2.5 Year pause.
2. If you made less than $125,000 in 2020 Debtor receive for $10,000 in Loan "Forgiveness"
3. Debtors who took Pell Grants - receive for $20,000 in Loan "Forgiveness"
4. GSL's are Taxpayer Backed - Taxpayers get the Bill.
5. 91% of respondents when polled replied - it was not enough.
Conservatively, lets assume 50% of the 40 Million quality. 20 Million is quite low in Fact, well below the estimates that 88% qualify.
20,000,000 x $10,000 = $200,000,000,000 or $200 Billion.
Pell recipients estimated to be of the 50% - as a conservative baseline.
In Fact the percentage is far higher of the total Debtors of 40,000,000.
20,000,000 x $10,000 = $200,000,000,000 or $200 Billion.
$400 Billion in SUM, by Government Estimated which range from $375 Billion to $500 Billion.