Now the recent arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency world, particularly concerning the future of TON coin. Durov's arrest stems from allegations by OFIM, a French national police office, accusing him of complicity in crimes such as drug trafficking, distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and fraud due to Telegram's lack of moderation.
This development raises serious concerns about TON coin's stability. Investors fear a sharp decline, drawing parallels to the collapses of FTX and LUNA, which suffered massive selloffs following high-profile scandals involving their founders.
With Durov as the face of Telegram and a key figure in the TON ecosystem, his legal troubles could significantly erode confidence in the cryptocurrency.
The arrest could lead to increased regulatory scrutiny of Telegram, potentially causing further issues for TON coin.
In the short term, investors should brace for potential volatility, as the risk of a selloff looms large. The future of TON coin now hinges on how Durov's legal situation unfolds and whether Telegram can withstand the resulting pressures.
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